Monitoreo máquinas de viento – control de heladas

Crossweather es un servicio tecnológico que permite el monitoreo en tiempo real de máquinas de viento para el control de heladas con el valor agregado de integración de datos meteorológicos

Internet of the things

With IoT technology and machine learning, we connect on / off measurement sensors and climate variables to the internet in the same wind machine. Within the climatic data, it is possible to visualize temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, prediction of “freezing” temperatures, degree days, cold units and hours above 30 ° C.


Todos estos datos son visualizados desde un software multiusuario con funcionamiento 24/7. Dentro del software, se pueden descargar informes sobre el funcionamiento de motores de la máquina de viento, cubrimiento del ventilador frente a temperaturas críticas “heladas”, informes ejecutivos, entre otros.

What can you do with Crossweather?


From anywhere you will be able to know in REAL TIME what is happening with the climatic variables in the field

Review KPI's

In an intuitive control panel, you will see the necessary information of each weather station individually


Receive alerts of possible frosts with projection of one hour. In addition, you can verify the operation of the blade

Quick decisions; save time

Temperature projection

Thanks to artificial intelligence, crossweather is able to predict the temperature of the next hour, alerting in the event of critical temperatures such as frost

Executive report

Crossweather delivers downloadable executive reports in excel or pdf where it has all the information in the date range that you decide

Frost report

Not only do we notify you in advance of the presence of frost, but Crossweather creates a tailored and specific report of frost

We want to work with you!

Fill in this form and we will contact you for whatever you need; PDF presentation, quote, phone call, meeting, whatever you want!

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